2016 National heats

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Frozen North Flyfishing and 7plus7 Construction

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 6 - Lake of Menteith 1st July 2016
The National semi-finals finished at the Lake of Menteith on a wet, breezy and unseasonally cold July day. The conditions didn't put the fish off and the 28 anglers caught a total of 205 trout for 428lbs 7.5ozs. A couple of cracking trout weighing just under 6lbs and just under 5lbs were brought to the scales and both were capped at 4lbs for competition purposes. It was very close for the qualifying places and the top 9 qualified for the National final with the cut-off being 19lbs 3.8ozs.
Top rod was Alan McLachlan of Dalzell AC who had 16 trout for 33lbs 7.2ozs. Alan never left Cages Bay and took all his fish on a booby fished on a slow glass line.
Peter Auchterlonie of Menteith Ospreys was second with 16 trout 32lbs 10.9ozs and he also spent his day in Cages Bay using a slow glass line. His fish fell to a tequilla fab, diawl bachs and crunchers.
Third place went to Alan Porteous of Dounreay FF who had 16 trout for 31lbs 14.3ozs. Alan also took his fish in Cages Bay using a jelly blob, diawl bachs and cat boobies on a midge tip line.
Alan Porteous, Alan Mclachlan and Peter Auchterlonie

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 5 - Carron 30th June 2016
Carron hosted our 5th semi-final and the 29 competitors were faced with a wind a good deal stronger than forecast and temperatures a touch lower. A total of 192 fish for 216lbs 1oz was caught and the top 9 rods qualified for the National Final.
Top rod was Jimmmy McBride of Heriot AC who had 17 fish for 18lbs 1.8ozs. Jimmy spent his day between Binn Bay and Carron Bay where he took his fish on dries.
Sean McCaffrey of North Shetland FF was second with 13 fish for 15lbs 6.5ozs. Sean took his fish on dries at the north dam. James Gardiner of Alba Orvis FF was third with 11 fish for 12lbs 11.9ozs. James also took his fish at the north dam where he was fishing an olive dabbler, black hopper and cat booby on a di3.
Jimmy, Sean and James
The last of the semi-finals is at Menteith on 1st July

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 4 - Lake of Menteith 28th June 2016
The second week of semi-finals got under way at the Lake of Menteith on Tuesday 28th June. It was overcast for most of the day with occasional showers. The wind was light and switched direction frequently giving spells of flat calm, light ripple and a good wave. Although conditions were good many of the anglers found the going hard although most did well and some really found the answers. There were 48 competitors and between them they caught 306 fish for 648lbs 0.2ozs. A minimum of 8 trout was needed to qualify for the final and the top 15 went through. The cut off point was 16lbs 12ozs.
The top rod was David Moore of Dunfermline Artisan AC who caught 20 trout for 40lbs 14.5ozs. David stuck with two yellow owls throughout the day and all his fish were taken on various drifts in the Heronry area.
In second was Ronnie Gilbert of Menteith Ospreys who had 15 fish for 30lbs 1oz. Ronnie took his fish in Cages Bay on a tequila fab and nymphs on a slow glass line. Paul Sharp of Leven Fly Casters took third place with 13 trout for 28lbs 1.2ozs. Paul also took his fish at the Heronry where he was using a black hopper and suspender hares ears on a floating line.
Ronnie, David and Paul
The next semi-final is at Carron on Thursday 30th June and the last one is the following day at Menteith on 1st July.

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 3 - Loch Leven 17th June 2016
The third of the National semi-finals was held at Loch Leven on 17th June on a cold, wet and blustery day. There were 10 competitors who caught a total of 8 trout for 11lb 7.75oz. The top three rods qualified for the final.
Top spot went to Ally Middlemass of Kinross AC who had 3 trout for 3lb 7.875oz. Ally spent his day in the mid buoy area and took his fish on a claret snatcher and a bibio fished on a di7. His boat partner, Brian Duffy, of Kahts Whiskers AC tied for second place with 1 trout of over 3lb that was capped at 2lb 8oz. Brian caught his fish on a black snatcher fished on a di7.
The heaviest fish of the day was a magnificent specimen that weighed 5lb 1oz and was caught by Billy Neil of Kilmallie AC. Billy caught his fish in the Black Wood area on a dunkeld sparkler fished on a fast glass. For competition purposes his fish was capped at 2lb 8oz and earned him a tie for second place.
------------------photo: Brian, Ally and Billy.................................................photo: Billy with his 5lb 1oz trout....

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 2 - Carron 16th June 2016
The National moved to Carron on 16th June for the second of our semi-finals. The steady rain was interrupted now and again with some drizzle and with a light breeze which occasionally dropped away completely it was an interesting competition. From the off the trout were up and showing and stayed there until early afternoon when the competitors found it increasingly harder to tempt them. Some mastered the conditions and put together good bags while others struggled.
There were 36 competitors in this semi final and between them they caught a total of 322 trout for 361lbs 8ozs. The top 11 qualified for the final.
John Simpson, Colin McGlone and Colin Macdonald.

The top rod, who will receive a Ridgeline Igloo Top from sponsors Ridgeline UK was Colin McGlone of Townhill AC who had 21 fish for 22lbs. Colin took most of his fish in Carron Bay with a few coming from the Top Dam. All his fish fell to nymphs and a fab fished on a buzzer line. In second spot was John Simpson of Caley Liners with 290 fish for 21lbs 12ozs. John caught his fish at the Top Dam and 30 minute Bay where he was fishing hoppers on a midge tip line. In third was Colin Macdonald of Saltire FF with 17 fish for 18lbs 7ozs. Colin caught his fish at the willows and Burnhouse Bay on hoppers and fabs on a floating line.
The next semi-final is at Loch Leven on 17th June

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Semi-Final No 1 - Lintrathen 14th June2016
Ray, Sandy and Ewan

The 36 competitors caught a total of 129 trout for 229lbs 1oz and the top 11 qualified for the National Final.
Top rod on the day was Sandy McConnichie of OTFA with 11 trout for 17lb 13oz. Sandy will receive a Ridgeline Igloo Top from sponsors Ridgeline UK. He was using a floating line with a black booby and 2 diawl bachs. In 2nd was Ray Anderson of Leslie & Glenrothes AC with 8 fish for 14lb 8oz using a 6ft fast tip line with 2 fabs and diawl bachs. In 3rd was Ewan Clark of Strathtyrum AC with 7 fish for 12lb 4 oz. Ewan caught his fish using a midge tip line with a tacquila booby and buzzers. Most of the best baskets were taken in the sheltered area in sawmills.

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 10 - Lake of Menteith, 19th May 2016
The Lake of Menteith hosted the last of the National preliminary heats and presented the top 8 competitors with commemorative bottles of beer to mark their 50th anniversay. Each competitor also received a packet of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing. Temperatures remained low throughout the session with the wind gradually easing to produce calm conditions by the end of the day. On the other hand the rain gradullay increased but the trout continued to feed regardless of what the weather was throwing at the anglers. The top 26 of the 51 anglers quaified for the semi finals and a total of 318 trout for 646lbs 15ozs were caught.
The best basket was taken by Mark Stephen of Stewarton AC who had 17 trout for 35lbs 10ozs. Mark never left the Heronry where he caught his trout on buzzers fished on a floating line. Keith Logan of North berwick AC ws second with 15 trout for 29lbs 15ozs. Keith caught his fish on buzzers and blobs on a mdige tip line in Cages Bay and Sam's Point. Ewan Clark of Strathtyrum AC took third spot with 14 trout for 27lbs 5ozs which he caught at Loche End/Tods Hole on a candy booby and buzzers on a midge tip line.
photo: Keith, Mark and Ewan
The semi-finals start on 14th June and the draw for the semis will be put on the website shortly.

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 8 - Loch Leven - 17th May 2016
The last three heats of the prelim stage of the National are held on 17th, 18th and 19th May and they started on Tuesday at Loch Leven. The day started off bright and sunny with cloud and wind gradually building as the session progressed. There were 17 competitors in this heat and each of them received a packet of ftitz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing. The top 9 qualified for the semi-finals. 27 trout for 33lbs 22.625ozs were caught.
There were a couple of big fish caught with one thought to be over 6lbs being released. The heaviest fish brought to the scales was a superb trout (see photo below) of 5lbs 2ozs caught by Neilston FF angler Steven Leask. Steven caught the fish just outside the pier on a viva sparkler on a di7 line.
The best basket was taken by Barry Tindell of Blairadam AC. Barry had 4 trout for 5lbs 13.375 ozs which were caught at the Black Wood and at the back of the castle on kate's and sparklers on a di7. David Moore of Dunfermline Artisan AC was second with 5 trout for 5lbs 6.625ozs. David took his fish at the North Buoy and at the side of the Scart and they were also caught on kate's and a dunkeld sparkler on a di7. Paul Sharp of Leven Fly Casters was third with 4 trout for 4lbs 5.5ozs. Paul took his fish on a viva and dunkeld sparkler fished on a di7 at the north can.
.............................photo - Paul, David and Barry...........................................................photo - Steven Leask and 5lbs 2ozs trout

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 7 - Harray 15th May 2016
A strong, blustery, and cold northerly wind on the days prior to last Sunday's Qualifier had certainly had an effect on the angling prospects, but a slight turn to a more north westerly, and a decrease in strength on Sunday, improved sport dramatically, much to the delight of the participating anglers. There were 30 anglers in total, including 7 visiting anglers, which gave 15 qualifying places in semi finals.
Bill, James and Norman

The match was very well organised by Andrew Morgan on behalf of SANNAC, ably assisted by Brian Thomas and Alan Craigie, who were the match officials on the day. All anglers received a packet of FNF Jelly Fritz from the SANACC sponsor on the day, which I'm sure will get put to good use in preparation for various semi final venues.
Most boats headed north from the site at the 10am start, only two boats headed south to the Anvil and Kirk Bay/Tormiston, a brave move which was to pay off big style as the weigh in would show. The rest of the fleet headed for Bankhead, Decca, Merkister, looking to find fish feeding in the sheltered corners and bays. It soon became apparent that things were slow to start with a lot of anglers prospecting after failing to find any feeding trout, but this improved as the day warmed up. There was no apparent midge hatch but the fish were certainly feeding on the pupae as spooning of fish revealed. Shrimp and sticklebacks were also on the menu and all this seemed to supercharge the fish as they were fighting incredibly hard and well above their weight, all this in shallow water gave some spectacular sport.
Qualifiers are all about progress to the next round, but it's nice to win one, and James Bews certainly did on this occasion, by a long way in fact with 17 fish, all taken down the south end of the loch at Tormiston. James and boat partner Malcolm Russell had it to themselves for most of the day and certainly made the most of their opportunities, with fish being taken steadily all day. Erlend Hutchison and Abigail Montgomery were in the other boat which chose the south end, with both qualifying comfortably with 10 and 7 fish respectively. Runner up was another regular visitor, Bill Taylor who put in sterling shift, catching 14 fish and in third place was Norman Irvine with 11 fish. All four of the visiting anglers who qualified deserve a mention on the day, so as well as Abi and Bill, congratulations go out to Shetland men Stephen Breivik and Graham Callander, good angling in a tough heat.
Tactics were similar for all the successful anglers, with the fish feeding over shallow ground, sink tips, and intermediate lines were the order of the day. Fly patterns included mostly Pennel style flies, Snatchers, and Peach or Orange hedgehogs.
So it's onwards and upwards to the semis for the qualifiers over the next month or two, with Menteith and Lintrathen the most popular choices, good luck and tight lines to all.

Sottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 6 - Lake of Menteith - 10th May 2016
There was barely a cloud in the sky for the full session of heat 6 and although there was a brisk easterly wind the temperature was higher than we have been having. In the areas sheltered from the worst of the wind it was hot. There were 57 anglers in this heat and all of them received a pack of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing and the top 9 received bottles of commemorative beer from the Lake of Menteith. The top 29 qualified for the semi finals.
Keith Doig, Derek Pozzi and Derek Purves
Top rod was Derek Pozzi of Thalassa AC with 19 fish for 36lbs 9ozs. Derek took all of trout at Lochend and Tods Hole where he was fishing buzzers on a floating line.

In second spot was Derek Purves of Bank of Scotland East AC with 17 trout for 33lbs 10.5ozs. He also took most of his fish at Lochend on buzzers on a floating line. Keith Doig of Balbeggie AC was third with 15 fish for 31lbs 9ozs who was also fishing buzzers on a floating line but spent his day at Sandy Bay and International Bay.

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline Uk
Heat 3 (Rescheduled) - Lintrathen 6th May
The rescheduled heat 3 went ahead at Lintrathen on 6th May and what a difference from the week before. Out went the blizzard and driving north wind and in came a very soft south breeze which left much of Lintrathen in a flat calm for most of the session. 34 anglers took part and all of them received a packet of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing. The top 17 qualified for the semi finals.
Frank, Stevie and Jock

Top rod was Jock Kettles of SANACC who went straight to the Sawmills area and set up with a di5 sweep to which he attached cormorants and a pseudo cat booby. Jock caught steadily throughout the day and by he end of the session he had netted 14 trout for 21lbs 8ozs. Jock's boat partner, Curly Wilson had a magnificent trout that went to the scales at 5lbs 10ozs and there were reports of another two large trout that were returned by competitors on catch and release. Curly finished 5th and also qualified for the semis.
Second spot went to Stevie Anderson of Leslie & Glenrothes AC who had 12 trout for 19lbs 12ozs. Stevie also went straight to the Sawmill area where he caught his fish on cormorants and a candy booby on a midge tip line. Stevie's boat partner, Chris McAllister, finished 4th to go through to the semis.
Congratulations to Frank Ross of Monifieth Trout AC who finished in third. This was the first time that Frank had entered the National and due to work commitments he had been unable to put in any practice days. He was partnered with Wullie Simpson who took him to the Sawmill area where he had 12 trout for 18lbs 1ozs. Frank took his fish on a traffic light cormorant and diawl bachs on a midge tip line. Wullie also qualified for the semi finals by finishing in 6th place.
The next heat is at Menteith on 10th May

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 5 - Carron - 3rd May 2016
Heat 5 of the National was held at Carron and each of the 32 competitors received a packet of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing. Once again the anglers were faced with a cold blustery day. The fish came on and off throughout the day and at the end of the session a total of 209 trout for 247lbs 2.25ozs had been caught.
Gary, Donald and Graeme
Top rod was Gary McGinlay of Luggiebank FD with 16 fish for 17lbs 9.25ozs with his boat partner Graeme Lynch of Beith St Inans in second spot with 13 trout for 14lbs 13.5ozs. Gary and Graeme spent their day in Burnhouse Bay and took all their fish on cat boobies and black buzzers fished on a slow glass line.

Donald Forbes of Strathleven FF was third with 11 trout for 12lbs 9ozs. Donald also took his fish in Burnhouse Bay where he was fishing a GA cat and a carron bunny on a di7. Donald picked up two fish on his first drift and his final two in the last five minutes.
The top 16 qualify for the semi-finals.
The next heat is the rescheduled Lintrathen heat 3 which is now on Friday 6th May.

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 4 - Lake of Menteith - 28th April 2016
There were 58 competitors in heat 4 with all of them receiving a pack of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing and the top 29 qualified for the semi-finals. The day started off with sleet and the weather deteriorated as the session progressed. Temperatures were low and we had snow and hail showers for most of the day.
The top rod was Ally Middlemass of Kinross AC with 17 fish for 33lb 12oz. Ally fished International Bay with a fab on the point and buzzers fished on a floating line. In second place with 17 fish for 33lbs 2oz was his boat partner Allan Gamble of RAF Fish Hawks again with a floater and buzzers. In third place with 15 fish for 29 lb 12.5oz was Scott Aitken of Tartan Tyers FF who fished a candy boobie and a team of buzzers on a floating line in Hotel Bay . The next heat sees us on Carron on the 3rd of May.
photo: Allan, Ally and Scott

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 3 - Lintrathen - 26th April 2016
Heat 3 at Lintrathen was cancelled due to the weather and has been recheduled to Friday 6th May.
Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
Sponsored by Ridgeline Uk
Heat 2- 21st April 2016 - Carron
There was not a cloud in the sky as the 46 competitors set out on Carron on 21st April for heat 2 of the National. Carron had fished very well in similar conditions for the previous two days and the anglers were hopeful that the rainbows would continue to play their part. All the competitors received a packet of fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing and the top 23 were guaranteed a spot in the semi-finals.
Fish were caught steadily throughout the day and at the weigh-in the anglers recorded a total catch of 413 trout for 484lbs 14.75ozs an impressive rod average of just under 9 trout.
Top rod was John Buchanan of Newton Mearns FF with 16 fish for 18lbs 4.5ozs. John concentrated on the bays and took his fish in Burnhouse Bay and Carron Bay. In the morning John fished two boobies and a buzzer on a di3 and in the afternoon he switched to a di7 to follow the fish down. Ronnie Gilbert of Menteith Ospreys was second with 18 fish for 18lbs 3.75ozs. Ronnie also concentrated on the bays and caught his fish in Burnhouse Bay and Bin Bay. He took his fish on a cat booby and two cormorants fished on a di5. Ronnie caught most of fish in the afternoon. Andy Johnstone of Newton Stewart & District AA took the third spot with 16 fish for 17lbs 14.75ozs. Andy spent his day at the willows and stuck with a carron cat, orange blob and black cat fished on a wet cell 4.
The next heat is at Lintrathen on 26th April.
photo: Andy, John and Ronnie

Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championshp - sponsored by Ridgeline UK
Heat 1 - Lake of Menteith 19th April 2016
Winter finally gave way to Spring for the opening day of the 2016 Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship. The cold, blustery winds of the previous two days and the snow that hit many areas on Saturday became a distant memory as the competitors arrived on Tuesday 19th April at the Lake of the Menteith for the first of our ten heats. The 36 competitors were met with a sunny day and fairly light winds which was entirely different from the two days of practice that many of them had encountered. As they registered they all received a pack of fly tying fritz provided by Frozen North Fly Fishing. 2016 is the 50th anniversary of the Lake of the of Menteith and the Lake's Board have ordered various commemorative items including specially labelled bottles of beer which were presented to the top nine competitors in this heat. There are 387 competitors in this years' Championship and if this heat is anything to go by then we are in for a great year.
The 36 competitors caught a total of 162 trout for 310lbs 1.5ozs and four fish was need to qualify for the semi finals. 18 qualified for the semi finals.
Top rod was Kevin McCabe of Change FF AC with 16 trout for 32lbs 9.5ozs. Kevin started off at Lochend fishing buzzers and a booby on a floating line and took five of his trout in the first twenty minutes. Following a quiet spell he moved to the Road Shore where he picked up another 11 trout on the same set-up. Fourteen of his fish fell to the buzzers with two on the booby.
Scott Pozzi of Rainbow AC took second spot with 11 trout for 21lbs 14ozs. Scott started off at the Butts where he was fishing a cat and sparklers on a fast glass line. He had one fish there and moved down to Lochend where he picked up another two during the morning. His other fish all came from Lochend after 2.30pm.
Rab Maxwell of Clatto & Stratheden AC was third with 10 trout for 18lbs 11.5ozs. Rab spent his day working the Butts with size 14 buzzers and a candy booby on a floating line. Seven of his fish took the buzzers and the other three were on the booby and all of them were caught before 12.30pm
photo (below) - Kevin, Scott and Rab