2023 Fundraising & Sponsorship
Fundraising & Sponsorship

Fundraising & Sponsorship

International Loch Teams:
7plus7 Construction, the Lake of Menteith Fishery, Fishers, Angus Angling and Seaguar are the main sponsors of the2023 Spring and Autumn International Team. 7plus7 Construction and Fishers have provided support for the teams since 2011 and this is the thirteenth year that the Lake of Menteith has sponsored the teams. They are joined in 2023 by Principal & Prosper, Owen Gibb and Sons, Scott Henderson Joinery, SIIS Ltd, M Ink Tattoo, McKenzie Skip Hire. St Andrews Timber & Building Supplies, Kitchens & Bathrooms by Coast, Fleximix Concrete, Jewson Timber, UK Plumbing Supplies, Dounreay FFA and MF Roofing & Roughcasting. Their websites can be viewed by clicking on their logo. We are grateful to them for their continued support. The funding provided by them will be used to reduce the costs that would otherwise have to be paid by the individual team members.
The Fishers website can be viewed at www.fishersdirect.com
The Lake of Menteith website can be viewed at www.menteith-fisheries.co.uk
The 7plus7 Construction website can be viewed at www.7plus7.co.uk
Angus Angling's website can be viewed at www.angusangling.com
Seaguars website can be viewed at www.seaguar.com
Scottish National Trout Fly Fishing Championship
The National is sponsored by 7plus7 Construction and R & E Hygiene
Scottish Club Championship and the Champion of Champions
The Scottish Club Championshop and the Champion of Champions is sponsored by the Lake of Menteith, Snowbee, My Fishing Flies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Glencairn Crystal, McLanachlan Transport Ltd and Angus Angling
Autumn Team Fly Box Raffle
The box of flies in a presentation box prepared by the gold medal winning autumn team was won by Alan Brock of Crieff AC. The raffle raised £434 and the autumn team wish thank everyone who took part in the raffle for their support.
2023 Spring International Team
Flybox Raffle
The draw for the 2023 spring team flybox raffle was done by Kenny at the first of our semi-finals at Lintrathen and was won by Ronnie Glass of Kelso AA. The box was presented to a delighted Ronnie at Harelaw at the fourth of the semi-finals. The raffle raised just short of £450 and the spring team wish to thank everyone who took part.
Ronnie receiving the flybox

International Loch Teams Fundraiser Cup
Eden Springs Fishery - 5th March 2023
International team members Grant Osler and Tyler Hay organised and ran the International Loch Teams Fundraiser Cup at Eden Springs Fishery on Sunday 5th March 23. Twenty one anglers took part and between them they landed 107 fish. The weather was kind for most of the day but the forecast rain arrived mid afternoon and brought with it a fair drop in temperature. Grant and Tyler wish to thank everyone who helped out on the day particularly Chris and Sandy for allowing the use of the fishery and providing a lunch for the anglers. They also wish to thank all the anglers who took part and everyone who bought raffle tickets and supplied prizes. Prizes were provided by Angus Angling, Fishers, Fario Flies, FNF Fly Fishing, Ballo Fly Fishing, Frank's Flies and Glencorse Reservoir.
Top rod on the day was Robert Ribson with 14 fish. Jake Gilchrist also had 14 fish and finished second and in third was Connor Wales with 13 fish. Pulling lures and worms on a fast glass or Di 3 were the top methods on the day.

Robert Gibson receiving the trophy and his prize from organiser Grant Osler

2nd place Jake Gilchrist receiving his prize

3rd place Connor Wales
High Cleughearn Fishery Fundraiser
25th February 2023
International team members Jim Mckinlay and Martin McCafferty organised the loch teams fundraiser at High Cleughearn Fishery on Saturday 25th February and wish to thank Chris and Joyce for allowing the use of the fishery and for providing hot soup and pies at lunchtime which were greatly appreciated by the anglers.
Jim and Martin also wish to thank everyone who donated prizes and bottles and particulary wish to thank Fishers and Angus Angling who supplied the main match prizes; the Meatmarket - Shandwick (https://www.facebook.com/meatmarketshandwick) for donating the lunchtime pies and a meat hamper for the auction; Michael Low at Fario Fly who donated fly boxes, flies and hooks for the auction; FNF FlyFishing who donated bags of fritz for the auction; and Mark Fleming who sponsored two pegs. And thanks also go to all of the anglers who turned out and fished the competition and bought raffle tickets.
It was freezing cold all day and fished hard. Lots of fish were caught on the first two pegs of the session but things really slowed down after a cold North Easterly wind got up and made things a slog for the rest of the day. Mark Hopkins won with 9 fish well ahead of the rest of the field. Colin Macdonald was second with 5 fish and Alan Harvie, who also had 5 fish, was third.

Mark Hopkins receiving his prize from Jim Mckinlay

2nd place and first fish in the morning - Colin Macdonald

First fish in the afternoon

3rd place Alan Harvie

Parkview Fishery Fundraiser
11th February, 2023
You know that winter is coming to an end and that the new season is just round the corner when Wullie Simpson hosts the fundraiser in aid of the loch teams at Parkview Fishery. Even the trout were anticipating the opportunity to meet the 18 anglers and right from the start they were racing to be the first one caught. The first of them connected with Lenny McKenna to be recorded as the first fish of the day. In total 114 were caught during the course of the day.
The session started off with a very light breeze which encouraged the trout to make the most of the calm conditions. The wind gradually increased as the day went on and had a cold edge to it that made the fishing harder. However that didn't stop competitors building bags of 15, 13, 11, 8, 8, and 8.
Top rod was Brian Mackenzie with 15 fish. Brian also won in 2022 and was 5th in 2019.

Brian Mackenzie receiving 1st prize from Wullie Simpson
The International teams wish to thank Wullie for organising the fundraiser and Jim and Edna for providing superb catering and providing an excellent days fishing at Parkview. The teams also wish to thank the many people who provided prizes and sponsored pegs and of the course the competitors, many of whom turn out at this fundraiser year after year. Prizes were provided by Fishers, Angus Angling, Fario Flies, FNF Fly Fishing, Greig Davie and Davy Moore while pegs were sponsored by Ormiston Transport Training, Ormiston Law Practice, Derek Goodwon Pest Control, DSD Ames Tapers and Decorating, C W Technical Services, French Vehicle Services, Recovery & Breakdown Kinglassie, Eden Springs Fishery, Bespoke Embroidery Errol, MF Roofing & Roughcasting, Joseph Wood, Parkview Fishery, Smith Street Motors, Craig Scott Windows, Bonnington Joinery, Robert Brown Painter, Fife Council Fostering and Fife Caravan Services.

In second place with 13 trout and captor of the first fish was Lenny McKenna and third with 11 fish was Neill Barrett.
photo: Lenny McKenna
photo: Neill Barrett

Ronnie Gilbert was fourth with 8 fish and Wullie Leach was fifth also with 8 fish.
photo: Ronnie Gilbert
photo: Wullie Leach

In sixth place with 8 fish was Colin Sharp. The heaviest fish of the day was caught by the 2020 winner Allan McLachlan and was over 11lbs.
photo: Colin Sharp
photo: Allan Mclachlan